The Neatcast
Three fellas and the occasional guest go in on contemporary news, stanger news, and weird tales from around the world. No sacred cows, and way too many jokes await you in every episode. If you learn something along the way, then that's your fault. Enjoy!
The Neatcast
Episode 116 - FT Mark from Digital Dissection - Culver's Pub Burger, Rag Doll Babies, and Cryptids Revisited
Jeremy, Zack, Mike
Episode 116
Check out Mark's Podcast Digital Dissection!
Guess What
Jeremy Renner broke everything
Cyberstalking taken to the next level
People lie on a survey about physical preferences
Heinz has its own tattoo ink color now for trash people
Culver's New PB&J burger
Even Weirder
World's Widest Wig
Mammoth Meatballs
Florida Man Has a Strange Disease
Alien Children Spotted in Latin America
Immortality by 2030?
Rag Doll Baby Born to Proud Fiance
Beyond The Pale
Cryptid classics revisited
My God the old 90's food nostalgia
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